Added fire dmg
Added fire dmg

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It has 100 HP.įamiliar It won't attack but just walk around slowly. Flying unit.įamiliar It's lithe and attack all in view for 35 Phy Dmg. Blows bubbles to ensnare enemy(35 Phy & 30 Frost Dmg) before settings its teeth in deep (7 Dmg * 5sec). Flying unit.įamiliar Comes from the Baltic sea. It has 250 HP.įamiliar Shoots enemy for 10 Phy & 20 Fire Dmg, lights up surrounding area in Night curse.

added fire dmg

Flying unit.įamiliar Rolls toward any enemy that hurts it, deals 20 Phy Dmg and knocks target down. Flying unit.įamiliar Charges toward enemies and explodes, deals 35 Phy & 50 Fire Dmg and sends 4 sub-bombs around, each deals 19 Phy Dmg & 50 Fire Dmg upon explode. It has 150 HP.įamiliar Rushes at the first enemy it sees and self-destruct, deals 90 Phy & 20 Poison Dmg across a large area, knocks enemies down. It has 150 HP.įamiliar Bites all that are hostile to player character for 35 Phy Dmg per hit, or immobilizes an enemy for 5sec and deals 7 Dmg/s. Skeletal enemy will not attack you unless you attack it first.įamiliar Attacks nearby enemies, deals 35 Phy Dmg per hit, but can't stagger target. Once HP drop to 0 you will return to your original form. The Demon Spider has 1000HP, lunge for 100Atk, and will teleport away when hurt by others. Only one demon spider can be actived at a time, after it dies, the MP absorption starts again. Spider won't attack you unless you attack it first.Ībsorbs 20 MP when enter new area until a total of 100, then hatches a Demon Spider.

added fire dmg

Removes all debuffs on itself aftering swtich area. Slows the Movement & Action Speed of enemies that step on them by 20%.Įvery enemy killed has a chance to hatch a spider ally of which you can have up to 5 at a time.įamiliar Attacks enemies in your line of sight, deals 35 Phy Dmg and can entangle target. Grants immunity to burning status.įootprints burn and can set enemies on fire for 20 Fire Dmg. Grants immunity to frost damage and slow status. Grants hyper-armor, grants immunity to knocked down, +15% Dmg Resist, -15% Movement Speed. +50 Max HP, +20% Dodge Distance, -30% Phy Dmg(of Base). There is a chance that a random item will be dropped every time an enemy is killed. Increases max HP, max Stamina and max MP by 30. Use to fully recover HP, MP and Spirit Armor. Killing enemies grant twice the amount of souls.Ĭonsumable. There's a 50% chance to refund all coins after the purchase.Īctive throws 1 coin as a dart, which deals 20 Phy Dmg. +50% Phy Dmg(of Base), or nothing happens.Īctive -20 gold, +50 Phy Dmg for 60 seconds. The items in the store reset after being sold. When obtain, there's a chance that you gain 100 coins or lose all coins you have. When you kill an enemy they may drop 1 gold. When picking up money, 50% chance to doubles the amount. When picking up money, 33% chance to doubles the amount. Keys are no longer needed to open any lock.ĭoubles the rewards of chest that appears after clearing an area.Ĭauses locked treasure chests to drop more items.

added fire dmg

There are currently 203 Relics (Version 1.01). Relics are modifiers in Devil Slayer Raksasi that can be used to create different strategies and playstyles when combined with the Heroines.

Added fire dmg